Login to your hosted chat management interface at https://<your_link>.hosted.chat

Click “Settings"  and then click on the "Sites" link at the top

Now click on the "Settings" link for the site you wish to customize.

Screenshot here:

On the general tab, you can change the behavior of your chat widget tool on your site. 

Under "Text and Info" you can change things like signatures, and welcome messages.

The theme tab allows you to customize the look of your widget including colors, and some limited behavior customizations. The preview on the right of this screen allows you to see what your changes will look like.

The department tab allows you to assign additional departments to your site.

Make sure that once you have made changes here, you click on the "Save" button to propagate your changes.

Screenshot here: https://www.screencast.com/t/Qikcovym

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