Many times when our members experience playback issues, we have found that it is quite easy to resolve. We recommend trying each step to be sure the training videos play properly on your device:

  • Internet connection speed - A slow, weak signal, may cause the training videos to appear skewed, or even not play at all! Please visit SpeedTest to check your internet speed, and you may want to contact your ISP to do more testing on your connection/router.
  • Browser issues - If you confirm that your internet connection is solid & reliable, it may be a browser issue. Please exit the PSFX site, clear your cache and reset your browser before attempting to log back in! In addition, you may want to switch your browser entirely. While we have tested the videos on a variety of browsers and systems, we find that using Chrome generally yields the best overall results.
  • Flash player update - There are a variety of video playback issues which may be sourced to an out-of-date flash player, so we recommend that you click through and upgrade to the newest Flash Player.

These tips generally help resolve any playback issues our users may experience, however, if you still continue having trouble with the training videos after utilizing these troubleshooting tips, it might be due to an internal error. If so, please reach out to us at Pixel Studio FX Support for further assistance.

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